Prayer to Hermes

by Knyt

Praise be unto Hermes! Guardian of Travelers, Psychopompos!
He who guides the souls of those who’ve passed to the next world,
He who guides our daily travels to accomplish our tasks.
Praise be to He who grants good fortune, luck, and commerce!
Praise be to Him who guides me and calls me His own!
Blessed I am to be so fortunate!

On the verge of a threshold, to push through.
To discover our potential!
To find oneself is perhaps
the greatest and most challenging journey of all,
Thusly upon such, Hermes is there,
Guiding us daily, looking after us
With his ever keen eye, and unmatched wit!
Praise be to Hermes!

My love for Him knows no boundaries!
My loyalty unwavering!
Praise be to You, Beloved Hermes!

Praise be to You Hermes,
for guiding me this far, for showing me the way!
Praise be to You great Lord and Protector,
For all Your lessons, Your guidance, and blessings!

Eucharisto para poli Hermes Enodios!

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