Agathos Daimon

Blessing: Agathos Daimon is a protective deity, originally concerned with the home and individual, but in Alexandria became the patron of the city as well. He is concerned with prosperity, fertility, spiritual evolution.

Equated with: Serapis, Zeus, Shai, Osiris

Associations: Snake, cornucopia, rhyton, wine, barley, all produce of the fields

The foundation of Alexandria (25 Tybi)
Noumenia (1st of each lunar month)

Ways to honor: Keep your home as a temple to him; clean it as a devotion; make offerings to the other gods on his behalf; care for snakes; ecstasy and trance-work

Ancient Texts:

Excerpt from Alexander Romance by Pseudo-Kallisthenes

Excerpt from Anabasis by Arrian

Excerpt from Life of Cleomenes by Plutarch

Excerpt from On Animals by Aelian

Excerpt from On Divination by Cicero

Suidas s.v. Agathou Daimonos

The Potter’s Oracle

Three Excerpts from Papyri Graecae Magicae

Modern Texts: Forthcoming


Reflections on the Agathos Daemon by Astalon

Agathos Daemon and Zeus by Melia Suez


On the Daemon

Agathos Daimon

A miscellany of passages on Agathos Daimon

Occultopedia article on Agathos Daimon

1 Response to Agathos Daimon

  1. Pingback: The Syncretism Festival of Antinous and the Agathos Daimon « Aedicula Antinoi: A Small Shrine of Antinous

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